Supporting Families at Work

Family-friendly workplaces help keep Kansas businesses competitive while improving the well-being of children and families. Employer-led changes toward more family-friendly practices have been proven to increase workplace productivity, recruitment, and retention; support children’s healthy development; and grow the economy. Employees both nationally and across the state say they are more likely to work for employers who are family friendly.

Family-friendly workplaces have a competitive advantage. They are better able to attract and retain talent, and they see gains in productivity and employee satisfaction. The following guides are available to help employers make changes toward more family-friendly practices.

Business leaders can play a significant role in solving a community’s child care challenges. Child care solutions include employer support of employee dependent care, flexible spending accounts, backup and emergency care, child care referrals, on-site child care, subsidized or reimbursed care, and child care consortiums.

Offering flexible work and scheduling helps support employees with families. Flexible work includes flextime, working from home or telecommuting, job sharing, part-time work, and predictable scheduling.

Paid leave, such as parental leave (for birth, adoption, or foster placement), sick leave, and family/medical leave also has positive effects on families.

Recent bills have been signed into federal law in support of pregnant and breastfeeding parents. These include the:

  • PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act expands the legal right to receive pumping breaks and private space to nearly 9 million more workers, including teachers, registered nurses, farmworkers, and many others.
  • Pregnant Workers Fairness Act gives pregnant and postpartum workers, including breastfeeding employees, a national right to reasonable workplace accommodations, including lactation accommodations.
Child Care Zones Webinar

Informational Webinars Join the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to learn more about an upcoming opportunity for communities interested in strengthening their local child care infrastructure. The Child Care Zones […]

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Health Insurance Resources for Child Care Professionals

The Insurance Stipend Program for Childcare Providers will provide a stipend of up to $3,600 a year to assist with the cost of purchasing health coverage in the State of Kansas.

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