Thriving Communities Support Thriving Families
Thriving communities are central to child and family well-being. When there is community-level buy-in from both public and private leaders to help strengthen families, invest in early learning, and support healthy development, our youngest Kansans and their families benefit. Communities across Kansas are addressing gaps in care, adopting family-friendly workplace practices, and creating safe, nurturing environments for children. Each community has unique needs and gaps, and we know there’s not a universal solution to challenges like workforce shortages, access to child care, or helping families meet their basic needs. The resources here can support your community no matter where you are on this journey, and include:- An overview of programs and services involved in the early childhood ecosystem
- Details on the needs of Kansans, and how these needs vary from community to community
- Strategies and lessons learned through the Child Care Capacity Accelerator and actions identified in our strategic plan
- Ways to make your workplaces more family friendly